Ferrotec Europe GmbH

Contact in Europe

Ferrotec Europe GmbH Frankfurt

THE SQUAIRE, Am Flughafen, 60549 Frankfurt am Main Germany
T: +7022 9270 0
M: +49 151 22402206

Production Base / Sales Office
Ferrotec Europe GmbH Unterensingen

Seerosenstrasse 1 72669 Unterensingen Germany
T: +49 7022 9270 0 / email: info@de.ferrotec.com

Production Base (R&D) / Sales Office
Ferrotec Nord Corporation

3, Peschany carier, Moscow 109383 Russia
T: +7 499 356 5389


European Headquaters:
Ferrotec Europe GmbH
The Squaire 15, Am Flughafen 60549 Frankfurt am Main Germany
T: +7022 9270 0
M: +49 151 22402206
Sales Office/ Production base:
Ferrotec Europe GmbH
Seerosenstrasse 1
72669 Unterensingen Germany
T: +49 7022 9270 0
Products Responsible Sales Contacts
Electron Beam Evaporation European Headquaters Mr. Christian Döbele
M: +49 151 61898156
E: cdoebele@de.ferrotec.com
Thermoelectric Solutions
Technical support Thermoelectric Solutions
European Headquaters Mr. Sören Meyer
M: +49 172 7235545
E: smeyer@de.ferrotec.com
Chiller European Headquaters Mr. Sören Meyer
M: +49 172 7235545
E: smeyer@de.ferrotec.com
Thermistor Sensor European Headquaters Mr. Sören Meyer
M: +49 172 7235545
E: smeyer@de.ferrotec.com
Technical Ceramics
Quartz Products
CVD SiC Products
European Headquaters Mr. Gaetano Basile
T: +39 0398 9015 79
M: +39 335 8000642
E: gbasile@de.ferrotec.com
Vaccum Feedthroughs
Contract Manufacturing Service (CMS)
Sales Office/ Production base Mr. Joachim Schmied
T: +49 7022 9270 202
E: jschmied@de.ferrotec.com
Industrial Knives and Cutters Sales Office/ Production base Mr. Emanuel Marginean
T: +49 173 6627673
E: emarginean@de.ferrotec.com
Cryotechnology, Polycold™ Sales Office/ Production base Mr. Emanuel Marginean
T: +49 173 6627673
E: emarginean@de.ferrotec.com
Cryotechnology, Polycold™ Service Sales Office/ Production base Mr. Falk Schönert
T: +49 7022 9270 417
E: fschoenert@de.ferrotec.com
Electron Beam Evaporation Service Sales Office/ Production base Mr. Johannes Labs
T: +49 7022 9270 305
E: jlabs@de.ferrotec.com

Mr. Goran Komlenic
T: +49 7022 9270 308
E: gkomlenic@de.ferrotec.com
Vaccum Feedthroughs Service Sales Office/ Production base Mr. Winfried Rutzen
T: +49 7022 9270 205
E: wrutzen@de.ferrotec.com